Multiple agencies and our elected representatives at the local, regional, state, and federal levels are responsible for policy, programs, and financing of aging information, services, and supports. This includes policies and programs that impact older adults such as housing, transportation, and emergency response. YHAA serves as the voice of older adults as proposals are considered and decisions made by testifying in public hearings, sponsoring legislation and budget requests, meeting with elected officials, and hosting candidate forums and Town Halls where residents can express their opinions and concerns. We engage residents and other organizations in these efforts through the Advocacy Committee.
YHAA 2023 Legislative Issue Priorities are...
Affordable and accessible housing
Nutrition support
Support for caregivers, especially related to care of persons with Alzheimer’s/dementia
Planning and funding for transportation
Addressing the digital divide-especially in rural areas
COVID issues
access to vaccines and any boosters needed
education of older adults
Long term care planning and financing
Creating and supporting age friendly communities
Addressing the financial and program needs of persons in the “gap”
NOTE: The priorities are based on the YHAA Strategic Plan, the California Master Plan for Aging and the Yolo Aging and Disability Resource Connection COVID Response Survey results. These are not in priority order.
In addition, YHAA is an active participant in the development of the California Master Plan for Aging and related legislative action and will be conducting public information and input forums for Yolo County residents.
The Advocacy Committee meets the first Thursday of every month, 10:00am-12:00pm via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83723019577?pwd=ODJCSGRWK1R4WmR1cmhPUEpvWlE0dz09.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and/or join the Committee. To be added to the Advocacy Committee agenda email list, contact sheila.allen@yolohealthyaging.org.
Please click the date of the meeting minutes you wish to view.

Below you will find letters of support related to priority policy legislation. To find and track California Legislation go to http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/
Support for ACA 1 – Local Government Financing
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance supports ACA 1, which will lower the necessary voter threshold from a two-thirds supermajority to 55% to approve local general obligation (G.O.) bonds and special taxes for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects.
Support for AB 387 – Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders
Advisory Committee
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance supports AB 387, which seeks to expand the membership of the Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Advisory Committee to better represent the growing needs of the various stakeholders surrounding this issue.
Support for AB 365 – Medi-Cal: Diabetes Management
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance supports AB 365, which would require the Department of Health Care Services to use scientifically based clinical guidelines when creating utilization controls for the coverage of continuous glucose monitors (“CGMs”) in the Medi-Cal program.
​AB 2047
In strong support of AB 2047, which has recently been amended to respond to the grave COVID-19 crisis by ensuring that all counties in our state incorporate plans to address the unique needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in their emergency response during the next plan update.