Multiple government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations provide a broad range of aging-related information, services, and products. Many people require multiple services obtained from a variety of sources, but delivery of these services is not coordinated for maximum effect. YHAA facilitates collaboration among these organizations through the Collaboration Committee, creating a network of coordinated services and cross-referral. We also partner with various organizations to host public education events. In addition, the YHAA website provides a centralized online list of services and contact information to assist County residents in navigating this complex system.
YHAA’s Collaboration Committee, which consists of over 90 providers of senior services, convenes every other month to increase collaboration, communication, and coordination of service delivery. A Cross-Referral Memorandum of Understanding among providers facilitates a “No Wrong Door” approach to connect clients with the right services to meet their needs. An annual Collaboration Committee cross-training helps all segments of Yolo County’s senior care system stay up-to-date and understand what resources are available for our seniors, their families, and caregivers.
To add your organization to the Collaboration Committee,

An ADRC partnership is a voluntary local partnership among aging and disability focused organizations that seeks to improve consumers’ access to information and services. It also enables consumers to remain in a community living setting of their choice.
List of Collaboration Committee Members
A list of Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance Collaboration Committee members.
If you note a change that is needed, please contact Ashley Rivas at 530-776-5006 or ashley.rivas@yolohealthyaging.org
Annual Cross Training
View a video of the Collaboration Committee's virtual annual cross training (2021). The meeting did not start recording immediately, so we miss just a few minutes at the beginning.
Yolo Healthy Parks, Healthy People (for providers)
Connect your patients and clients to local nature through ParkRX. View this video, in Collaboration with Cache Creek Conservancy and Putah Creek Council, produced for healthcare providers to help them prescribe their patients time in nature.
Collaboration Committee Meeting Minutes
Please click the date of the meeting minutes you wish to view.