The Unified Voice for Older Adults in Yolo County
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance (YHAA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is looking for an experienced Executive Director to oversee all operations, functions, and activities. As Executive Director, the successful candidate will be the face of the organization, responsible for providing the strategic direction and implementing a higher quality vision. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible for implementing policies established by the Board, establishing, and executing major goals and objectives for the organization, and has overall day to day operational responsibility for the organization. The Executive Director represents the organization to the community, donors, funders, partners, supporters, and the public.
To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to Sheila.allen@yolohealthyaging.org on or before April 22, 2023. Your cover letter should briefly summarize your interest and statement of qualifications for this position.
To view the complete Executive Director Position Description, go to https://www.yolohealthyaging.org/careers
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance is a non-profit organization in Yolo County, California, whose mission is to enhance the well-being of older adults in Yolo County through education, collaboration, and advocacy. We work to identify and address gaps in services and connect people to the range of resources and services throughout the County. The County has a total population of 216,986, of which 12.9% are age 65 and over. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts, Yolo County, California, July 1, 2021]
Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance was born out of a June 2010 countywide, community-based summit sponsored by the Yolo Commission on Aging and Adult Services and the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Advisory Committee. Summit participants discussed gaps in services for older adults and their caregivers in Yolo County and increasing needs due to a combination of increased longevity and the rapid growth of the aging population as baby boomers turn 65 years old. The summit produced much excitement and interest in engaging key stakeholders, consumers, and providers to partner, plan, and act to address the needs of Yolo County’s aging residents, their families, and caregivers. As a result, the Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance was created to promote the well-being of older adults through education, collaboration, and advocacy, and to serve as The Unified Voice for Older Adults in Yolo County.
YHAA receives funding from federal, state and county government, private foundations, and individual donors.
EDUCATION: Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance hosts or co-hosts public events and workshops to educate and engage County residents, organizations, public servants, and professionals in healthy aging practices, advocacy, and coordination of services. YHAA also maintains an extensive and informative website.
COLLABORATION: YHAA’s Collaboration Committee, which consists of over ninety providers of senior services, convenes every other month to increase collaboration, communication, and coordination of service delivery. A Cross-Referral Memorandum of Understanding among providers facilitates a “No Wrong Door” approach to connect clients with the right services to meet their needs. An annual Collaboration Committee cross-training helps all segments of Yolo County’s senior care system stay up-to-date and understand what resources are available for our seniors, their families, and caregivers.
ADVOCACY: Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance serves as the voice of older adults on government policy and program decisions in areas that impact older adults such as healthcare, housing, transportation, food, and emergency response. Through our Advocacy Committee, we engage residents and other organizations in advocacy activities such as providing oral and written testimony before local, regional, state, and federal public hearings, sponsoring legislation and budget requests, meeting with elected officials, and hosting candidate forums and Town Halls where residents can express their opinions and concerns. YHAA is an active participant in the development and implementation of the California Master Plan for Aging.
Our case manager provides individualized assessment of needs and connection to programs and services.
YHAA partners with a local food truck to serve free meals to older adults, disabled adults, and caregivers to locations in Davis, Woodland, Winters, West Sacramento, Esparto, and Knight’s Landing.
Helps alleviate the social isolation faced by many older adults by connecting them with a phone friend.
Assists people in signing up for Yolo Alert, provides emergency kits, and educates the public about being prepared for emergencies.
Connects low-income older adults to the internet. Trainees receive a computer device and internet connection as part of the program. A volunteer helps participants understand how to use their device and develop their computer skills.
Older adults receive a set of free grab bars, including installation.
For more information on Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance go to https://yolohealthyaging.org. To contact YHAA, email at info@yolohealthyaging.org or 530-776-5006.