Yolo County is participating in the State of California's Great Plates Delivered initiative and is working with local restaurants to provide three home-delivered meals per day to qualifying older adults. Great Plates Delivered helps adults 65 and older and adults 60-64 who are at high risk from COVID-19 to stay home and healthy while providing essential economic stimulus to local businesses.
Interested residents can apply for Great Plates Delivered by calling 211 or (530) 392-4182. Residents must meet eligibility requirements including: age, income, inability to prepare or obtain meals, residency, household information and not currently be receiving assistance from other state or federal nutrition assistance programs.
Restaurants and food providers interested in participating in the program are required to complete a simple Request for Quotation (RFQ) form and will be selected on a first come first serve basis. Some requirements for restaurants and food providers include: the ability to deliver meals seven days a week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., be locally owned and/or sourced, prioritize local jobs and worker retention, provide meals that can be frozen and reheated, and meet nutritional standards and other safe food handling guidelines in accordance with State guidelines. Interested business owners can complete the RFQ form between May 22 – 25 at: https://www.yolocounty.org/general-government/general-government-departments/financial-services/procurement/current-advertised-bids/. Applicants will need to create an account before submitting their application.
The Great Plates Delivered program will run until June 10, 2020 but may be extended to July if FEMA approves an extension to the State of California. For state information about the Great Plates Delivered program visit: https://covid19.ca.gov/restaurants-deliver-home-meals-for-seniors/. For information specific to Great Plates Delivered in Yolo County, visit: www.yolocounty.org/roadmap-to-recovery and click on the tab titled ‘Great Plates Delivered: Yolo County.’
View the Press Release here.