Updated 8/26/2021
Distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine has finally begun to pick up its pace, which means we are getting vaccines into arms and beginning our journey back to normality! However, with frequent changes to vaccine distribution plans, you may be frustrated and confused about when you are eligible and how to actually access the vaccine once you are eligible.
So to make things easier, we have compiled a list of your current options for receiving a vaccine:
Yolo County is offering a call-to-order vaccine program to deliver and administer COVID-19 vaccine open to all of Yolo County through September 30, 2021 (with the possibility of extension). Residents age 12 and older who would like to get vaccinated at their home or business can call (530) 902-3230 at any time to schedule an appointment to have vaccine delivered to their home or business between 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment in Spanish, call (530) 379-3465; for Russian, call (530) 908-0721.
1. Check with your health care provider.
The first step would be to check with your health care provider. Note that each provider may have different eligibility requirements for the vaccine. Click on your healthcare provider below to find their vaccine information.
Currently Vaccinating (updated 5/21/21):
Use MyTurn to determine eligibility and sign up for an appointment
Currently Vaccinating (updated 5/21/21):
Patients who are 12 and older
Currently Vaccinating (updated 5/21/21):
Patients who are 12 and older
Currently Vaccinating (updated 5/21/21):
Anyone who is 12 and older
If you are eligible for the vaccine in Yolo County, call (916) 530-0727 to reach the direct vaccine line for the West Sacramento Elica Health Center and sign up for an appointment.
If you do not have a health care provider, or your health care provider is unable to vaccinate its qualifying patients at this time, do not panic. You still have options.
2. Sign up for a vaccine clinic.
Yolo County Clinics: NOW TAKING WALK-INS
Yolo County is holding weekly vaccine clinics around the county for those who are eligible to receive the vaccine. Currently, everyone 12+ who lives or works in Yolo County is eligible for the vaccine. Those who are 12-17 years old can now receive the Pfizer vaccine with parental consent. Check the Yolo County Vaccine Page to see a complete list of who is currently eligible.
As of 4/12/21, the county has transitioned to using MyTurn for vaccine appointments; however, you no longer need to sign up for an appointment, because county clinics are now taking walk-ins. To sign up for an appointment, click here, enter the relevant information, and enter your address or zip code to find available appointments near you.
Healthy Yolo Together/CommuniCare Vaccine Clinics
Healthy Yolo Together and CommuniCare Health Centers have partnered to open 3 vaccine clinics in Yolo County. The clinics are open to all Yolo County residents and are located at Salud Clinic in West Sacramento, Hansen Family Health Center in Woodland, and Davis Community Clinic in Davis. Walk-ins welcome! For more information or to make a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, call 530-752-iVAX(4829) or visit HealthyYoloTogether.org click vaccines.
Davis Community Clinic (Davis): (530) 758-2060
Hansen Family Health Center (Woodland): (530) 405-2800
Salud Clinic (West Sacramento): (916) 403-2900
Winters Healthcare
Winters Healthcare has received a limited number of COVID-19 vaccine doses and is hosting vaccination clinics for Winters residents who are in the current tier. Sign up for an appointment using MyTurn, or call 530-795-4377 for help finding an appointment. Visit https://www.wintershealth.org/vaccineclinic for more information.
Northern Valley Indian Health is prioritizing their patients, but will make appointments for non-patients, provided they have sufficient doses of the vaccine. They are now (4/2/21) offering
the COVID-19 vaccine to all community members ages 16 and older who live or work in their
service counties, including Yolo County. Go to https://nvih.org/clinics/woodland/ and fill out the form to pre-register.
If you are eligible for the vaccine in Yolo County, call (916) 530-0727 to reach the direct vaccine line for the West Sacramento Elica Health Center and sign up for an appointment.
3. Sign up for an appointment at a drug or alternative store.
CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Safeway, Costco and Walmart are now distributing COVID-19 vaccines at select stores.
Click on the above link and select California to search for available appointments.
You must fill out a form to determine your eligibility and see if there are appointments available in your area.
Visit the above website and enter your area code. Then, you will be prompted to fill in some information to check your eligibility and availability in your area.
Select Safeway/Albertson stores are now offering vaccine appointments. To search for an available appointment, click on the above website and enter your zip code. The nearest participating Safeway stores are in Dixon and Sacramento.
To sign up for a Costco appointment in Yolo County, visit the website above, select "Woodland", and you will be taken to an external site to sign up for any available appointments.
To sign up for a Walmart appointment, click the link to the website above and then click, "schedule now." You will be prompted to sign in or create a Walmart account, then you can select your nearest pharmacy, confirm your eligibility, and schedule an appointment if there are slots available.
To book an appointment with Yolo Pharmacy, click the link above, fill out the online form provided, and schedule your appointment.
4. Register with MyTurn.
All Yolo County residents are encouraged to sign up for the statewide vaccine registration system at the following website: https://myturn.ca.gov/. After you have signed up, you will receive notification when you are eligible to receive the vaccine. At this time, the county has transitioned to MyTurn, so to sign up for a county vaccine, register at the above website.
If you are homebound and need an in-home vaccine or need assistance with the online form call 211 or their toll free number: (855) 866-1783 and staff will assist you.
If you are 50+ and need further assistance signing up for a vaccine, you can call Yolo Healthy Aging at (530) 757-5583, and we will walk you through the process. You can also sign up for a phone friend at https://www.yolohealthyaging.org/phone-friend-forms and check the box that says "I would like help finding a COVID-19 Vaccine."