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Master Plan for Aging’s available in Spanish and Chinese

The California Department of Aging’s new campaign, EngageCA, is designed to encourage Californians from every walk of life to get involved in the development of the Master Plan for Aging. In order to reach diverse communities across the state, the campaign’s website is now available in Spanish and Chinese – two of the most widely-spoken languages in California. Now is your chance to make sure the Master Plan is focused on equity and diversity: Share, or in your communities to give as many Californians as possible the opportunity to share their vision for a robust and reliable system of services and supports, from health care to housing and transportation, that can support an equitable, age -and disability-friendly California! We hope you’ll join us for one of our many upcoming meetings and webinars. Check out for details – and stay tuned for more updates!




Desde ahora hasta octubre de 2020, las partes interesadas trabajarán para elaborar una estrategia para construir una California más inclusiva, respetuosa y accesible para las personas de la tercera edad y personas con discapacidad. ¡Necesitamos tu ayuda!


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